Humans and Technology...

I think this picture also links with the story "The Veldt" because when you look at it it gives you many thoughts. For example although we need techonology in our everyday lives, being too reliant on it can have cons, such as it backfiring on you. I think this image is also just makes you think that without technology living our everyday life would be very difficult and making it through the day would become a challenge, and that its their to give you a helping hand.
image provided by

A specific quote from the story, "The Veldt" that relates to this picture is, "They walked down the hall fo their soundproofed Happylife Home, which had cost them thirty thousand dollars installed, this house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them." This text clearly shows how dependant the Hadley's were on their home. Theres usually limits to how much you should use technology, but to the point where your house is putting on your clothes and feeding you is just ridiculous. So although its good to use technology being too reliant on it can be dangerous, it should only be used occassionaly and shouldn't become that excessive, to a point where you are fed and clothed by technology, but who knows in the future if this is how we'll live?

Another quote from the story that is linked to this picture thematically is, " You've let this room and this house replace you and your wife in your children's affections. This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents. And now you come along and want to shut it off. no wonder there's hatred here." Sometimes we get so used to technology, and become so accustomed to it that even the slightest change to our daily use of technology can have a big impact on our lives. For example if your cable goes out, or your internet doesn't work it affects you a lot. The same is applied to the story, "The Veldt" because something that the kids, Wendy and Peter use everyday (The Nursery), if it's taken away from them by their parents then obviously just like if your internet or cable was gone you would want and back and be angry and belligerent. So again, technology has its benefits, but don't trust it to a point where if it turns on you, the consequences could be dangerous.

Dangers of Ipods and Other Implications

The Dangers of iPods & MP3 Players

People of all ages use iPods and MP3 players for listening to music, the news, and even to audio books. These are fabulous, small gadgets that are easy to transport and use just about anywhere. I use my MP3 player all the time: while commuting on the bus, running on the treadmill, sitting at my desk at work. However, there are some risks to using these devices that everyone should be aware of. With a bit of caution and common sense, you should easily be able to avoid these dangers.

For Those Who Like It Loud

If you listen to the music at a high volume, you can suffer from hearing loss because you wear the device tucked into your ear canal. Hearing loss isn’t only related to the volume of what you listen to, but also the duration. MP3 players and iPods are designed to hold countless songs, and provide long amounts of continuous listening time. No matter your age, you have to keep the risk of potential hearing loss in mind while listening to these devices.
In fact, many of these gadgets will begin to have built in time limits that won’t let you listen to music past a certain decibel after a set amount of time.

By Stacie Naczelnik
For More Information Visit:

The article The Dangers of iPods & MP3 Players has a similar theme just like The Veldt. Now we've all heard the quote "Excess of anything isn't good", I think the same would apply to the situation of ipods. I think there should be limits to everything, and when too much freedom is givin problems arise. A specific example from the short story, "The Veldt" is, "It won't hurt for the children to be locked out of it awhile. Too much of anything isn't good for anyone. And it was cearly indicated that the children had been spending a little too much time on Africa." This was stated by George Hadley who played the father in the story. An example from the article that relates to this is, "In fact, many of these gadgets will begin to have built in time limits that won’t let you listen to music past a certain decibel after a set amount of time." Again referring back to my quote, they're trying to put a limit towards how much you should listen to your Ipod to reduce your chances of hear loss.
Another specific example from the short story is, "We've given the children everything they ever wanted. Is this our reward ---secrecy, disobdeience?" I think this quote can be connected with Ipods because in todays world I think that technology plays a more important roles in kids and teens life as compared to family. If you just look around you, you will that as more newer technology is being created the more and more of the parents authority of the parents is being undermined.

Summarization of Video

"The video basically shows that in the near future, the Navy develops a fighter jet piloted by an artificial intelligence computer. The jet is placed on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific to learn combat manuevers from the human pilots aboard. But when the computer develops a mind of its own, it's the humans who are charged with stopping it before it incites a war..."


I think that this youtube video, "Stealth Trailer" has a strong relationship and shows similarity with "The Veldt" when the theme of technologys potentional to undermine authority/morality is being presented. In this video the similarities between the "The Veldt" and "The Stealth Trailer" video are represented by The Nursery and The Automatic Stealth Jet. The thematic connection this has with my story is that it clearly shows how technology when given too much trust, will start to undermine authority to a point where its difficult or sometimes impossible to control it. It shows this because when the jet, which when struck by lightning develops a mind of its own, and suddenly becomes malicous and devious. This is also shown in the short story "The Veldt" when Wendy and Peter keep on imagining that the nursery is an African Veldt, and when their parents are tricked into the nursery they cannot change it back, due to the tampered settings in the nursery room.

Another similarity that this video and my short story share in common is that when these technologies were being talked about being shutdown or not used, that is when they really starting to have a mind of their own and are started to replace the acutal human jet flyers. The movie stealth shows this because, the Automatic Stealth Jet named, Eddie, joins with with the crew and their missions, and the crew doesn't feel comfortable with him. When other jet flyers talk about Eddie they say he's a machine and he doesn't have, "Instinct, feelings, or mortal judgement." "The Veldt" also shows this because Wendy and Peter, through repetitive use of the Nursery room, have gotten more attached the nursery and the importance of their parents have decreased. So when suggest a vacation to get away from the Nursery, the kids chose to shun the vacation and stay with the nursery.

That is how this video, the "Stealth Trailer" has a connection to my theme which is, "technology has potential to undermine traditional authority/morality".
Introduction to Short Story ISU

For my english class I have to do an assigment using I'm currently working on an ISU, which means independant study unit. Now our class has read a couple of short stories, and in every short story there's a theme. The one I like the most is a story called the "The Veldt" by an author named Ray Bradbury. This story is about a couple and their children who have just recently moved into a new technological house. This "technological house" cooks for them, dresses them, cooks food the the family, brushes their teeth, and also rocks them to sleep! The theme of this story is that, technology has the potential to undermine traditional authority / morality.
For a full summary on "The Veldt" visit
A little bit about King Khawaja!

Heyy everyone, I'm Adeel and this is my first time bloggin'. I'm really excited. Although I have never blogged before, I am sure this won't be my last time bloggin.
I am a 15 year old who attends R.H.King Academy. I love to chill with my friends and enjoy life. Some of my hobbies are playing basketball and photography. I'm a very energetic person and I am afraid to try new things.
Some people think I am funny, some people think I am rude, there are many different ways people look at things, and now that I've gotten a general idea of how blogging works, once in a while, I'll be showing my prespective of they way I look at things!

Hope you enjoy my posts!!!
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    I am a 15 year old who loves to chill with my friends and enjoys life. Some of my hobbies are playing basketball and photography. I'm a very energetic person and is not afraid to try new things.
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